Poster/Project Demo

Poster and Project Demo Session is to provide a forum to address new applications or techniques based on upcoming research challenges and innovative approaches in the fields of Engineering. The main aim is to collaborate between Industry and Academia. This serves as a platform for Students, Researchers and Developers from various industries to showcase their innovations and experimental results which paves direction for future and extensive work.


The participants are asked to submit a concise report which describes the prime focus and the main contributions of the poster. Proposals should be in Single-column format with a maximum of 3 pages and should contain the following

Posters are evaluated by a panel of academia based on the creativity, originality, presentation and audience appeal. Posters must be submitted to . The accepted posters will be published in the conference proceedings and considered for the Best Poster Award with certificate. Participants are advised to strictly adhere the instructions for the preparation of the posters.

Poster Display Size: The accepted posters should be presented in A2 paper size only. The participants are responsible to bring their own accessories for the presentation.


Student, Researchers and Developers from industries are encouraged to submit project demo proposals and should contain the following

Project proposals should be in Single-column format with a maximum of 4 pages and submissions should be made through to and also authors have to clearly describe the requirements regarding the electronics support, power strips, etc., required for the demonstration.

Each project entry will be assessed by a judging panel consisting of members from industry and academia. The panel members will evaluate various aspects like Creativity, Originality, Engineering Design, Societal Applications, Presentation, Demonstration and Audience appeal. The Basic facilities will be provided to the authors for demonstrating their projects. The accepted projects will be published in the conference proceedings and considered for the Best Project Award with certificate.

Sample Poster Download...

Note : The last date for Poster/Project demo proposal is on or before February 27, 2019. The posters must be in JPEG and PDF format only.